The Most Oxidation-Stable Copper Ink

Copperticles produces copper ink that can withstand oxidation. The ink can be screen-printed, dried and sintered in the ambient atmosphere. There is no need for a reducing gas/atmosphere. The ink does not need severe storage conditions. It can simply be stored at room temperature under vacuum or nitrogen.

Copperticles ink



The market for copper conductive ink is wide with a huge variety in different applications. Currently, there is an unmet need for oxidation-stable copper ink that can provide good conductivity

copperticles copper inks applications
copper ink substrates like PET, PEN, PI, Kapton, paper

Substrate Diversity

Our ink is suitable for a variety of substrates like PET, PEN, PI, Paper, Glass and more

copper ink High Conductivity

High Conductivity

Sheet resistance is as low as 59.5mΩ/□/10micron ( 23.8mΩ/□/mil ) with cheap heat-sensitive substrates like PET

copper ink Simple Fabrication

Simple Fabrication

Simple fabrication with the well-known screen-printing technique
